Tuesday, 29 April 2014

New hybrid forms of organisations..?

I think we'll soon see new hybrid forms of organisations. Why?
  • People generally want more control but not liability
  • Volunteering rates are down generally
  • people are time poor
  • committee meetings are pretty boring (speaking as a trustee) and often don't deal with the real reasons people joined the charity in the first place
  • Lots of new governance structures have been set up which look for 'patient involvement' or similar
  • There has been an increase in charities over the last 15 years
  • People are more used to being involved (or consulted) on what brands, companies, institutions are doing and expect to be a part of things so consumerism gives (many) people what they want in this area
  • The vast majority of trustees who are used to the current systems are older and will retire soonish.
So what are some options for doing something about it?
Basically we're talking about use over use without ownership. calling the shots without having to do the governance. I know about one click orgs - is there anyway around the governance question or is it just something we need to live with.

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