Sunday 22 May 2011

improving BIG Lottery fund

I was at the yorkshire funders forum on friday, with 20+ very clever and knowledable people who I suspect feel powerless in the face of crisises in the voluntary sector. Yet the talk was exactly the same as any time over the last 3-5 years; about outcomes, evidencing impact, not reinventing, 'loose and baggy monster', it all seemed a bit, well, predictable... What else could we do..?

Well, I'd suggest some more radical changes.
  1. fund the problem not the organisation
  2. start funding unprofesional orgs
  3. allocate a higher % to volunteer run orgs
  4. accept a higher level of risk
  5. make turnaround times for low grants much faster (yes i know this has been looked at and judged impossible, but look again..)
I'll add more to this list when i think of it..

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