Wednesday 20 July 2011

What can chutney tell us about personalisation & choice..?

The british have a rich habit of, and are famous for cooking bland food. On the continent however there is the habit of making rich sauces, fresh vegetable purees and tasty dishes. 

So does the british habit of adding chutneys allows a level of personalisation that can only be achieved through adding to a standard offer..? What could this tell us about additonal flavours customisation that we can add to standard services.

To use this analogy wider. What people mean when they say they don’t want choice might be “we want a basic service, and we want to flavour it with what we like”. At a time of wholesale public reform, this middle ground might just suit the british pallet..?

Monday 11 July 2011

Outcomes framework for infrastructure

How difficult can it be to write an outcomes framework for infrastructure orgs..? Basically we need:
  1. 3-5 output indicators for each service are (volunteer centre, funding advice, governance, HR etc) and then we need to link them to the individual orgs.
  2. customer satisfaction feedback (in the interim an annual survey, longer term google places or something).
Then we have two pages at the end of the year that says; we helped 400+ orgs to get better, do more work and help individuals to change their lives. simples..?

Saturday 9 July 2011

My notes from Tedx York yesterday

DK –
  • famers coming in from the rural areas to rebuild Christchurch (like they did when cities were first thought of..) #eqnz
  • they received 120,000 ideas of how to rebuild the city.
  • used a student army, rebuild, reimagine

Charles Cecil – technology the great disruptor
  • "Half a million new android handsets are turned on every single day".. #tedxyork
  • interactive entertainment is now bigger than film, and catching up music (is this right?)..
  • the Sony PlayStation as a turning point in gaming; the publishers gained the power over the programmers - We can now work directly with audiences, we don't need the middle men..
  • What about games for education/ teaching empathy etc..?
  • all of a sudden everyone is talking about how we can make communities, how we can engage & participate in the future of our world..
  • free - changes everything. It grows the market & develop new markets, makes multiple pricing structures (with different supply & demand points)
  • "We now work directly with our audience again... which is incredibly liberating and incredibly empowering"
  • "It's not just the marketing rulebook that's being ripped up, but also the economics"
  • "The supply and demand curve... is irrelevant; when you give a game away for free, you lose nothing."

Abbhay – digital identity
  • reflecting on the landscape with the memory being stored on the landscape (twitter shining a spotlight on a village fete)
  • fairness commission – could we set up a think tank of excluded people..?

Kristine Alford – intractable stories
  • Family Intervention Projects & the role of extended networks..?
  • the new world is not old versus new, it is old things with new things..
  • Could the third sector be a tent for people who care about social change..?
  • “Steven Johnson
  • innovation is a slow hunch building over time. ideas from separate fields coming together – (ideas having sex)
  • crowdsourcing micro financing on a pay it forwards basis..

Tasso – murder in the dark
  • art is the vision of where things might go
  • games using sound – the hearing impaired people can use equally well..

Alex Kelly –
red phone boxes = potential and permanency

Mariam – Africa gathering @mjamme
peer to peer development with Africa
baobab tree = sharing (community self-help)

roger burrows – 'playour'
  • sociology = the aggregation of social life. (behavioural economics)
  • facebook breakup times/ rhapsody music choices/ complaints via mysociety/ “we feel fine” searches on google. real time research methods

is brilliant.

baba isreal –
  • how technology can challenge distance between people (marriage)
  • what's it feel like to be on a stage when everyone is cheering you on.. #elsie
  • “if the dogs on the stage, then the dogs on the stage”
  • projecting onto gauze = lack of scale, lack of separation (= lack of social hierarchy)
  • there are many me's – bodies stretched across seas..
  • from improvisation to choreography
  • a layered collaboration using the Twitter feed - and a freestyle rap
  • Mixed Movements video on YouTube: #TEDxYork


  • technology has changed how we exist in our cities - in personal, private and public nodes
  • Warren Ellis - "We're giving the gift of the digital city to our ruling classes"
  • "Flyposting is illegal, Google Map pins are not
  • Do we want our digital city to be made up of walled gardens?

Peter Gregson and restaurants

  • P Gregson on restaurants: "Everything they do is based around sharing... they have a unique culture."
  • As an artist, we need a view on the world, not a position in the market
  • it's not time to blame our audiences, but give them something more exciting to listen to.
  • I'd like to see the link removed between excellence and exclusion

Julien Smith speaks from Montréal

  • We are the first generation of history to be participants, creators and programmers of the media"
  • You have more control and more freedom than any time in history. The question is, are you actually doing it

@billt "The Internet Wants Your Brain".

  • I believe for every mental event, there is a physical event... what goes on in your nervous system is you
  • We are born illiterate - we have an inate dispotion to speak but reading is something everyone must be taught

Thanks to tweets from @nornironyorkie. (I did a vox pop about the third sector, and linking good new ideas and technology to the hundred and thousands of organisations who are doing good things. It will be up soon at

How to do an impact report for free..?

How to do an impact report for free..? The third sector needs to prove its social impact in delivering services, it needs to prove its economic impact in turning the economy around and needs to prove its impact from working with individual citizens. Yet the days of doing research TO people are just about gone, and there is no money anyway.

So this is what we're doing.. Take the national statistics for 65 million people. Divide by population of your town or city. Weight for deprivation if necessary and you have some great improvised stats without spending any money. It will take a few hours to make it look nice, but will be perfectly serviceable and will give us some conviction in the conversations we're having (we're negotiating a business mentor from the council as the VCS is one of the largest employers in the city..)

Take national data from @NCVO's participation statistics, @karlwilding's blog, @involveyh research, third sector researc centre @Becca_TSRC, and polls from @ThirdSector etc. You can see our basis saved as 'favorites' in twitter under @yorkcvs

Great to be working with @doctorredmark on this..

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution..

Saturday 2 July 2011

Asking for help

We all need help, but we're really bad at asking for it. Twitter is a way of 'finding' help, but walking into a community centre or job centre is basically a way of saying "i can't do this on my own". So we need to change that, so that we're all givers and receivers on a day-to-day basis. But how..?

I saw an idea for pregnant women on buses wearing a badge saying "give us a seat". It would anyone who cheekily wants to make it possible for others to offer help. Imagine having a sign service that says "take my bin out" or "needs milk" - I'm sure i'd help people out on a more regular basis if i knew others were doing it too. Then you could take it a step further. But that;s for another day.. ;-)