Saturday 9 July 2011

How to do an impact report for free..?

How to do an impact report for free..? The third sector needs to prove its social impact in delivering services, it needs to prove its economic impact in turning the economy around and needs to prove its impact from working with individual citizens. Yet the days of doing research TO people are just about gone, and there is no money anyway.

So this is what we're doing.. Take the national statistics for 65 million people. Divide by population of your town or city. Weight for deprivation if necessary and you have some great improvised stats without spending any money. It will take a few hours to make it look nice, but will be perfectly serviceable and will give us some conviction in the conversations we're having (we're negotiating a business mentor from the council as the VCS is one of the largest employers in the city..)

Take national data from @NCVO's participation statistics, @karlwilding's blog, @involveyh research, third sector researc centre @Becca_TSRC, and polls from @ThirdSector etc. You can see our basis saved as 'favorites' in twitter under @yorkcvs

Great to be working with @doctorredmark on this..

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