Saturday 21 January 2012

The future of Leeds Enterprise Accelerator (#elsie)

Mike Chitty has just done an extremely thorough SWOT to anyone involved in #elsie. I tried to add my thoughts directly, but i think it might be easier to do it here..

(to clarify - elsie is a volunteer panel who want to help anything entrepreneurial in leeds start - community projects, businesses, ideas of any kind..! )

  1. Starting anything is difficult. 
  2. Mike needs more support in carrying the project (as well as administration).
  3. It might be easier to get project leaders directly, but similarly might undermine the ability of elsie to be a driver for change. 
  4. Referrals from the typical voluntary sector have been slow? - particularly without the explicit backing of existing third sector infrastructure. (This is both a problem and an opportunity)
  5. It might be easier if all those involved felt part of a group and a paid sessional coach might help this (yet without losing the feeling that its run by volunteers).
  6. How can we get existing structures to do some of the groundwork (eg I've just started work for the national trust in yorkshire, and see the use of their 61,000 volunteers, world status as stately homes and countryside owners as a key opportunity to getting this kind of thing off the ground).
  7. Anyone who cares about this stuff is busy. 
  8. I am going to offer mike some of my time if he'll give me a defined role to support elsie..
The idea is great. Its up and running and has momentum.
So where do we want to take it..?

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