Wednesday 7 November 2012

What can the social sector learn from the experience of franchising in the commercial sector..?

A new report is launched today on social franchising. Its on what we can learn from MacDonalds and if you put aside the instant cringe/yawn of needing to learn from unhealthy (in all respects) business models i think there's something in here.

Or to put it another way. I think others will see something in here.
and then do something about it.
which will change how we look at and respond to social change.

So these lessons are:
  1. Design for scale – make sure it easy for others to replicate the processes and systems
  2. Choose franchisees carefully 
  3. Develop your people 
  4. Test the business model to make sure it is replicable 
  5. Continue to learn and improve the offer to franchisees 
  6. Be three steps ahead of the franchisee 
  7. Use networks to maintain quality and foster innovation 
  8. Create freedom in the framework so that the business model can be adapted to the local situation 
  9. Plan for sustainability – the financial model needs to generate enough for the central organisation to provide support to franchisees. 
  10. Understand and adapt to markets 
  11. Build the brand

Working for a large charity with hundreds of local sites/ organisations i see the clear benefit of operating like this. Its soemthing that 3SC and Locality have done collaboration and evidence under a banner.

I wonder who will create the mass market social change model of the next century..?

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