Wednesday 5 December 2012

York Volunteering Statistics from 2010 surveys..

Volunteering (stats from talkabout panel march 2010)
×          Half of york’s population have never volunteered
×          24% of york’s population are currently volunteering
×          Only 15% of 17-34 year olds volunteer
×          Only 17% of social enonomic group DE volunteer (compared to 29% of ABs)
×          Nearly 2/3 of volunteers do it weekly.
×          Only 5% do so once a month, and only 2% infrequently.

Motivations for volunteering (of those who already volunteer):
×          Had free time 51%
×          Saw a need 47%
×          Wanted to use skills 42%
×          Matches life-philosophy 31%
×          New way of meeting people 29%
×          Learning new skills 17%

Motivations for not volunteering:
×          No time 55%
×          Already have a caring responsibility 20%
×          Unaware of what goes on 18%
×          Those 17-34 are twice as likely to say they don’t have time compared to 55+.

How they find out about volunteering:
×          79% know about the volunteer centre
×          56% knew about York CVS
×          33% know about PSC
×          Nearly twice as many 55+ knew about York CVS compared to 17-34 year olds.

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