Friday 3 January 2014

Non hierarchical orgs - or does legal structure matter..?

The idea of a hierarchical vol org always seems a bit strange, yet everyone assumes that's the way that an organisation has to be run. Or is it? What if there IS a credible alternative that would save time and liberate staff from seeing themselves as part of one org and not parts of others..? (Disclosure: I don't have one) 

If we could form a network of people who cared about social change in a particular area then we wouldn't need to worry so much about organisations, or the logistics of keeping orgs afloat. NCVO used yammer this last year by opening up its consultation to be had via yammer. Once a week i would log on and quickly add any thoughts i had on the topics being discussed. Better 100 people's 2 minute scribbles that 10 people's 20 min scribbles. (more recently  I've done a similar thing with Genius, and yammer.)

The simple question on what constitutes social change, and what needs focusing on for a more just world is all down to detail. but it would be good to be having that conversation in an open, non hierarchical way..

Organisations need to be managed. But they also need to be owned. Things like one click orgs are about working within the current model of organising, I'd like to separate these two things as much as possible..

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