Thursday 15 September 2011

Are Big Lottery going to change their operating system..? #ppchange

I have a confession to make, I am an ex employee. Which puts me in that came of loving the organisation, but leaving out of frustration with it.. But i remember conversations years ago about how to genuinely have an impact on social problems, they have some very bright people around, Peter Wanless is progressive and open to ideas - I always assumed it was the board that was risk averse and defensive..?

(one example was a radio interview about not funding war memorials: the public concerned about the legacy of Yorkshire war heroes, BIG defensive about "the strategic alignment with existing programmes"..)

  1. Their funds will be genuinely more important than ever to focus on entrenched social problems in a difficult economic climate.
  2. The board has just changed.
  3. They seem a bit out of kilter with the three #big society white papers which came out last year (localism, public services white paper & giving green paper).
  4. There has been a gradual swing towards newer type organisations; NESTA, Young Foundation, Your Square Mile.
  5. The hard choice of top-down or bottom-up seems a bit irrelevant now - surely we can get strategic programmes fro the bottom up..?
  6. They have just change their policy direction - (the criticism focused on percentage allocation)

I'm wondering if bigger changes are on their way...?
Are Big Lottery going to get all radical on us..?

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