Thursday 15 September 2011

Community Lovers Guide to the Universe in Leeds..?

I've teamed up with @mikechitty and @charlottebritto in order to try and pull together great examples into a Leeds version of an international book called “Community lovers Guide to the Universe”.
Help is needed from editors, curators, or photographers - but mostly it’s a book of people starting interested, small, good things for the love of it..

Some examples from Tessy Briton’s Hand-Made have been:
  1. ×          Men’s Sheds – a stress free home from home for better social interactions
  2. ×          School of everything – want to learning anything? Someone already knows the answer, you just need to know where they are
  3. × – an marketplace for matching skills
  4. ×          Learned dreams – where did you want to get to as a child, and what do you need to do to get there..?
  5. ×          And more formal examples of People’s supermarket, urban farming schemes, community organisations using ebay etc

If you want to know more about HandMade you can download the pdf’s here (or even better part with £30 for a copy)

So get your thinking caps on and let us know any leads, however small, of people doing good things around you. Leave a comment, tweet us, help us set up a facebook or just have a good long think.

We need to crowdsource ways to turn ideas into social innovation. We need to storyboard what the future can look like, and we need small examples of people leading the way. Come on board..!

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