Sunday 7 August 2011

If the richest 10% are now international - why not everyone else..?

Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett authors of The Spirit Level are hopefully coming to do our AGM in Sept, and are heavily involved with the Fairness Commission in York. So inequality is high on the agenda so let’s take it one step further:

Here is a map of absolute poverty internationally:

Social justice can no longer a national issue. If we take Britain alone our:

  1. the relative poverty line is static (as it moves with income inequality)  and
  2. prison population is static (at 0.00147%)
  3. every local authority has a unactioned plan to ‘reduce the gap’.
If we internationalise our plans we would be jointly tackling more difficult trade and migration issues on an international scale. No longer would Beeston, Brent or Burnley be our problem places. They wouldn’t be in the bottom 10%, they would now be in the top 10% internationally. I wonder what they would change and what leadership they would take on social justice internationally.

So if the richest 10% are international - why not everyone else..? A academic change of perceptions could see change from unlikely sources where our leaders have been failing..?

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