Friday 19 August 2011

Why i love twitter for infrastructure orgs - process change & behavioural change..

I've just bought the networked non profit but we've got a session at @YorkCVS next week about opening up communications and I've been doing the presentation.. (also credit to Clay Shirky organising without organisations which throws down the gauntlet to infrastructure orgs unwilling to change)

I think it can revolutionise the core function of a support and development organisation:
  1. Development work - never type the same advice email again, and build a community of people on the same journey. 

  2. Campaigning - topical recently, but also the changing power balance of small local orgs (eg mass localism by nesta) by retweeting their words.

  3. Networking - new creative and disruptive working groups to get ideas beyond our own shores

  4. Consultations - let's collect the info small groups are sending out rather than asking them to bow to our will.

  5. Accountable representation - no mixed messages only direct communication, open and transparent and full of ways of groups representing themselves (or at least telling us when we're getting it wrong)..
So that's the logistics, but maybe the behavioural change is even more important..?

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