Friday 12 August 2011

What constitutes failure in local neighbourhoods..?

We have been talking a lot about failure in the last months. There has been a sense from government that everyone is failing to live up to expectation and that we should all be doing more. In part I agree some critical reflection is needed, and a refocusing on social purpose helps us stay sharp, but I’m getting a bit worn down now.
So lets have a simple checklist on failure:
  1. It is impossible to live without failure unless you live cautiously.
  2. Life is not a checklist of achievements
  3. Life is complicated and the ability to control it won’t get us very far
  4. Imagination is needed to see how something could be different

So let’s take joy in the fact that millions of good people are doing excellent things – exactly the sort of things that government think that people should think about (but don’t realise they’re already being done).
So let’s ask people in power to accept risk and failure (such as local government).. ok?

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