Sunday 7 August 2011

We need to provide less, and make more available..

What's the subtle difference between sending out information & people finding it for themselves..? 
Well - One smacks of obligation, and the other of…discovery, creativity, and innovation..?

What's people's recall rate of information provided in an email, versus providing a snippet and a link? By finding things people have already invested a bit of themselves in what they're reading, even if its only clicking a link. So what's important is not what has been produced, it's what has been found..
Yesterday from the YorkCVS Twitter account I tweeter our monthly update newsletter:
  • ×          In two hours it had been retweeted to 1,600 people, and
  • ×          89 people had downloaded it

This probably isn’t as important as the 200 people who have asked for print copies, nor the 600+ people who request the ebulletin. But it is important. It opens up an easy route for people into the brilliant voluntary sector, to realize that others are taking control of their lives and to have examples of other people doing things that other realise are possible.

We need the cracks in our organizations in order for others to come in. We need our public services to need our help before we can provide it. We need to provide less, and make more available.. 

The chinks in the armour is where the light gets in..

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